FENUGREEK SEEDS (Foenugraeci Semen) 50g
- Externally in the form of warm compresses inflammation of the skin, as a softening agent, the coating and facilitate healing. Orally as an appetite stimulant.
FENUGREEK SEEDS (Foenugraeci Semen) 50g
It is an emollient, coating and facilitates healing. Can be used externally or oraly. Oral stimulates the appetite.
Foenugraeci semen.
How to use:
Externally in the form of warm compresses inflammation of the skin, as a softening agent, the coating and facilitate healing. Orally as an appetite stimulant.
How much should you use and how to prepare it:
Externally: 50g (1 pack) of ground seeds cook with 250 ml water for 5 minutes. The resulting slurry is used as a moist warm compress (poultice) 2-3 times a day.
Oraly: 1 teaspoon (2.0g) crushed seeds taken 3 times daily, before meals as a appetite stimulant.Note:
Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Side effects:
After several externall applications you may experience adverse skin reactions.