- This Yerba is completely new in Amanda's family. Amanda Organica is prepared in harmony with nature. It contains finely cut leaves and twigs. Drought comes only from certified organic plantations, which gives it a unique flavor.
Amanda Organica 50g
This Yerba is completely new in Amanda's family. It contains finely cut leaves and twigs. Drought comes only from certified organic plantations, which gives it a unique flavor.
Amanda Organica Yerba mate is prepared in harmony with nature. This means that drought is produced on farms certified as organic. The cultivation process and further production jestwolny of any means of fertilization or pesticides. The resulting product is aimed at consumers of yerba focused on organic products. Let yourself be seduced by the unique tastes of nature in the highest quality.
Amanda Organica is a product free of any chemical, ecologically clean. The taste and the effect is reminiscent of the manufacturer's flagship product - as elaborada or despalada. The main difference lies in the way of cultivation and further processing of the raw material. In this case, yerba mate cultivation is subject to strict requirements on certified as organic plantation. This means that the plants are free from chemical fertilizers, plant protection and any chemistry. Amanda Organica is a product complies with the expectation of consumers looking for natural foods based on biodynamic cultivation. Adding to the flavor receive as a result of yerba with a distinctive flavor and great power health.
Package Contents
Finely cut leaves from twigs in the presence of potentiating the stimulation - dust.
(100% yerba mate).
Taste and flavour
Intense and distinctive taste. Strong aroma. Classic yerba in high-grade edition.
Additional information
Ideal as a natural source of energy. Recommended for experienced and novice mate drinkers. The manufacturer declares that this Amanda is devoid of gluten. It can be confidently recommend for gluten free diet.
Here are many health benefits in drinking Mate:
-Contains higher level of antioxidants than green tea.
-Helps in weght control by burning fat and suppressing the appetite.
-Contains several vitamins and minerals important to human health, including vitamins A (as beta-carotene), B1, B2, C and E, as well as phosphorus, iron and calcium.
-Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level.
-Stimulates body and mind.
Traditional way of preparation of yerba mate requires special cup - gourd, or cup made from special type of wood - palo santo,also requires bombilla - straw for drinking mate (can be made from metal, bamboo).
- Fill the mate gourd to two-thirds full with yerba mate.
- Accomodate the yerba mate on one side of the mate gourd, leaving a hollow area on the other side.
- Add a little cold water into the hollow area you have created. Add just enough water so as to not moisten the very top of the yerba mate.
- Leave the mate gourd tilted for a few minutes until the yerba mate has absorbed the water.
- Cover the mouth of the bombilla with your thumb, and insert the filtered end to the bottom of themate gourd in the hollow area.
- Add hot (150 degrees F) water to the hollow area until it reaches just below the top of the yerba mate, and you have your first prepared drink!
- Sip all the tea from the mate gourd, and add more hot water. Add water, sip, repeat. Got it?
- The first few drinks are strong; the flavor will weaken as more water is added for each drink. Replace the yerba mate as needed.