Cruz de Malta Elaborada Con Palo 50g - SAMPLE
- Classic version of yerba mate elaborada Cruz de Malta is a great variety of drought giving drink full of power and energy. The taste of yerba mate Cruz de Malta is so delicious that hardly any brand can compare with it.
Cruz de Malta Elaborada Con Palo 50g - SAMPLE
Classic version of yerba mate elaborada Cruz de Malta is a great variety of drought giving drink full of power and energy. The taste of yerba mate Cruz de Malta should be experienced by all yerba loves - it is so delicious that hardly any brand can compare with him. Essential, intense, straight from the noble life-giving green leaves and twigs of yerba mate.
Country of origin: Argentina
Contents: Leaves and twigs
Taste and flavor: bitter, astringent
Action: Strongly stimulates
Additional Information: Interim yerba mate, for those who want to try a stronger bitterness
Cruz de Malta (CdM) - a natural, Argentinian Yerba Mate Cruz de Malta brand of twigs. Produced since 1874, according to the same recipe. It is one of the most valued brands Argentine yerba mate. Rich in potassium and manganese.
It comes in four flavors:
Elaborada - traditional yerba mate with branches
Despalada - the toughest, no branches
Menta limon - with mint and lemon zest
Anis - flavored with aniseed
Limon - with the addition of lemon zest