Coniferous Tree Honeydew 550 g
- Honeydew honey contains many minerals including as many as four times more iron than other types of honey which increases strength and physical condition.
Coniferous Tree Honeydew 550g
Honey is collected by bees from the area Ciężkowicko-Rożnowski landscaped park, the area is covered with the young as well as centuries-old fir forest stands with a slight touch of spruce and larch forming due to its presence in an amazing natural taste bouquet of honey harvested.
Not in any industrial area and the high standards we set for ourselves in the collection and packaging of honey allow you to fully retain its properties as well as original and unique taste.
Honeydew honey contains many minerals including as many as four times more iron than other types of honey which increases strength and physical condition. Recommended for allergy sufferers, people suffering from anemia, tired and convalescents.
It helps in the treatment of upper respiratory tract, lung inflammation, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases.
It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic.
The mild, almost sweet, slightly resinous
Slightly spicy or resin
Dark, from time szarawozielonkawej by brown to almost black
The jars usually relaxed as patoki średnioziarniście be crystallized, crystals may form zlepy