- Replaces coffee great- as well stimulates, and it's healthier, it adds zest for life, while providing plenty of vitamins-especially C, B1, B2, has a pungent, bitter taste so beginners can be dissatisfied with this species yerba.
Selecta Elaborada 1kg
Replaces coffee great- as well stimulates, and it's healthier, it adds zest for life, while providing plenty of vitamins-especially C, B1, B2, has a pungent, bitter taste so beginners can be dissatisfied with this species yerba.
Country of Origin: Paraguay
Contents: leaves and twigs
Taste and aroma: pungent, bitter, smoky
Action: strongly stimulates, gives you energy for the whole day, provides vitamin C, B1 and B2
Additional Information: for skilled yerbosmakoszy, bitterness may scare off beginners
Selecta elaborada is a proposal for seeking deep flavor and aroma. Harvested on small plantations in Paraguay, making quality control and maturity of the raw material is much easier. Yerba Mate Selecta Series is prized throughout the world. Noble drought gives equally excellent taste and aroma. Recommended for experienced Consumer.